THEGULU Admin Lite免費協助商戶更有效管理排隊隊伍,同時為客人提供一個額外渠道即時透過 THEGULU 遙距取票。商戶毋須繳付任何費用,只需一部已連接網絡的手機就能輕易管理排隊隊伍、進行優惠券兌換和查詢詳細兌換紀錄。
THEGULU Admin Lite assists restaurants to manage their queues for free, and provides an extra channel for customers to get in queue with THEGULU wherever they are. You simply need a smartphone with internet connection and at no additional cost, can easily manage your queues, redeem e-coupons and check redemption records.
Download and register for remote queuing now!